So in a few days (October 10-14 to be exact) I will be back in Utah for my brother Spencer's wedding. I'm way excited for him and Erin. While I am out there I want to hook up with as many of my Utah friends as possible. So here's what I'll have available.
Oct 10th I'm free all day until the evening. I think it would be fun to do lunch at the Spaghetti Factory in SLC or Tucanos/China Rirry in Provo or something. That night I have a family dinner. Of course the 11th is the wedding. My time should be open on the 12th. I would love to have a get together at my place that afternoon/evening or whatever. Please let me know where and when we can hang out and be cool. I look forward to see you all soon!
Movies: 2024
2 months ago
Word verification of the day: xoydfnjr
I vote for Spaghetti Factory in the SLC on the 10th and rad hang out time on the 12th. Maybe we could go steal Pete's mailbox for ol' times sake...
Spaghoot sounds rad to me. It would have to be lunch and I know you work, just let me know the time and stuff.
I would love to come over on the evening of the 12th and see ya. Greg is off and I would love to introduce you to my daughters if that would be ok. Let me know.
I have a blog for my cute fam now...hooray!
Absolutely. Come on over with your fam on the 12th and we'll have a good time.
So Utah friends there is a Wed change of plans. My parents are picking me up and I'll be having lunch in Provo with Jon and whoever else can make it. If you can make it I will give you various lotions and cremes. I understand the lot of you in SLC work and stuff. If I don't see you on Wed Please PLEAse PLEASE come over to the Fillmores Fri night for sweet boogie action. And if that doesn't work, well call me at 808-348-9003 and we'll work t out anyway.
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