I am so pleased to announce that this month we will be featuring a Charleton Heston film for the movie of the month. Go vote in the poll to the right immediately. Now.
Here is a brief line from IMDB that sums up Chuck better than I can: With features chiseled in stone, who else but Charlton Heston could you picture as Michelangelo, as Ben-Hur, as Moses? Heston's movie career took off with The Greatest Show on Earth (1952) and reached light speed with Ben-Hur (1959). Although he has played a pantheon of larger-than-life roles, he usually prefers to talk about the day-to-day daily grind of the movie business, and especially credits the writers and directors he has worked for much of his success. Though aging gracefully, the venerated Heston has lately been more interested in promoting right-wing political issues than acting.
So we all know Charleton from his big pics like 10 Comandments and Ben Hur (he won an Oscar for Best Actor in Ben Hur), but a decade ago I really got to know his brilliant sci-fi work. Planet of the Apes is amazing and Soylent Green is still one of the movies that can make me laugh to tears. But I'd have to say Omega Man is my favorite. I desperately hope that wins the vote so that those of you who have not yet seen it can have that pleasure. Either way it will be a joy to salute one of America's finest actors. So make your choice and let's dive head first into barrel-chested glory!
you forgot to mention another benefit of voting for omega man: will smith is starring in the remake this christmas and we'll all be harder in the know for it.
i'm still probably gonna vote for 10 commandments though.
I voted for Omega Man. I've seen Ben Hur and the 10 Commandments I could probably quote most of it. "So let it be written, so let it be done!" His voice, not mine. I have never seen Omega Man and am always looking for a movie that comes so highly recommended by some I trust.
this was a hard one. i held off voting for a while. i'm not saying what i voted for, partially because i'm such a huge fan of the australian ballot and partially because i was torn between all but wayne's world. i say that if omega man wins then we all also have to watch homega man. i also say that we have to watch homega man anyway.
one vote for Ben Hur, the most moving and genuinely heroic move C.H. was ever in. -WLF
I'm with Jon.
10 Commandments was great on so many levels.
Also, as a side note, William Shatner would work C.H. any day of the week.
Pit Captian Kirk against any of C.H's characters and the outcome will always be the same. A big fat dead Heston, that is dead...and fat.
Good gadget! What a discrepancy! There's no way Planet of the Apes should be off this list. I am so sorry.
i still say it should be BENEATH the planet of the apes.
Jon have you SEEN Beneath the Planet? He is in it for like 10 minutes.
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