It was at that very impossible moment when I was thinking of ways to have Harvey Unga killed for dropping 2 touchdown passes. You see, because he muffed an easy touchdown catch on a 4th down on BYU's last drive, Utah was able to go up by 1 point with a minute and change left. I thought "OK just like last year. BYU can do it." 3 plays later with BYU at their 12 yard line on a 4th and 18, all I wanted to do was murder Unga. I wondered if I could scrounge up enough dough for the hit. Then Max Hall threw a 49 yard pass. Several plays later all I could think of was whether it is appropriate to send one of my children to Unga in appreciation of his 15 yard touchdown run to win the game. It's been several hours now and I can barely talk because of how much I screamed and several of my children still won't come near me. Today was the 2nd happiest day of this year! Thanks Cougars!
Your Fully Invested Fan
go cougs!!!
i did see it all. and it was glorious. especially for me living in salt lake, which means i can do just that -- live. this game is the difference between living and hiding
ugh, what a depressing day. Once that 4th and 18 was completed, I knew it was over.
At least it was competitive and again came down to the last play.
It was a great game! Go Cougs!
I added the post about Lana's favorite song, I gave you a shout out. It is on the family site.
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