So I ran home and hooked it up. The results are in. I am healthy, but just barely. I am right on the line of overweight. I need to lose 19 pounds to have my optimal BMI (thanks a lot, stupid delicious holidays!). That's pretty close to what I thought (I'm 181 and I want to be 160-165ish ) so we're on the same page. My Wii Fit age is 44. Well that's only 12 years older than I am I guess. Anyway, the good news is I have good posture and sense of balance. I have to go to work or I would have started sweating off my gut immediately but I'm excited to give it a try. Val is also excited since she can use it to work out while I'm in Monterey for the next 4 months. Hurray! Everybody wins!
Oh yeah. Super Mario Galaxy looks pretty fun too.