06 April 2008

Charlton Heston 1924-2008

Today I am sad to report that one of my favorite actors, Charlton Heston, has passed away.
Click here for the CNN story issued today.

For me Charlton Heston represents a golden age of science fiction with what I consider the Holy Trinity of Sci Fi - Planet of the Apes, Omega Man and Soylent Green. But his career spans more than half of the last century with such memorable roles as Moses, Ben Hur, John the Baptist and El Cid. Always the good guy, never taking guff from anyone Charlton's barrel-chested no nonsense attitude is the embodiment of masculine America for better or for worse.

Rest in peace Chuck. You'll be missed

1 comment:

Caleb Samuel said...

Don't be sad. Look at the bottom of your stocking and you'll find some old ribbon candy! Enjoy a tasty treat that will turn your frown upside down!